Hard financial times often require that we let an associate go. Even though it might just be simple math, an associate who is let go may have a different opinion…and this could lead to conflict if it is not managed correctly.
Our threat assessment professionals can be retained to offer advice on how to handle a potentially hostile dismissal or a disgruntled individual who is making direct threats.
OBZ lead psychologist, Dr. Anders Goranson, can help you set up an action plan to deal with a disgruntled employee or an angry customer who has issued any level of threat.
Dr. Goranson believes that the biggest enemy to managing this kind of risk is poor communication or the “siloing” of information. All associates need to be encouraged to share information and know who to share it with.
Economic downturns always bring new realities and difficult decisions. One Back Zebra can help you devise a plan for a high-profile dismissal.